That night, I was in a station for the "Sung Siew Game On". It was a good station, but I together with Edward and Chiew, plus Ms.Lam had delayed the game till we had to deal with 4 groups at the same time. These 4 groups didn't manage to play it even though they had prepared to play it. Later, one participant hurt his left leg and one of us helped him up. He couldn't walk with his ownself but I and Ho lifted him up to the Boys Dorm.
AJKs were very exhausted.
This is a good example.
This is a good example.
Appreciate what they had done.
The next day, we had a morning walk to the hill. Well, I was post to take care Group 9, the Spartans. Actually, they were a very good group and our way to the top, they were to sing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star". They sang it very well and I was impressed. On top, they had some games which they enjoyed so much, I believed.
I, Cason, Low and Cynthia went down by having a ride on Ms.Lam to get back to school to prepare for the One Way. Elliot went down all the way on his feet. After preparing and a short briefing by Cason, it was the time for the One Way Game. They were "tortured" in a lot of ways. See the photos below. Overall, the game went well.
The rope was "painted" with kaya.
Poured with water.
Distracted by "demons".
Need to go through "easy" obstacles.
On that night, we had "Ghost Night". At first, it would not seems to be so scary, but both AJKs and service team members did their job well, and scared them, Thank God, not to death. For me, I didn't think to scare anyone, but I just walked behind one person, I believe she heard me but when she turned her head, she screamed. Well, at least I managed to scare at least one person.
Later, we had a camp fire which was impressive, too. Every two groups performed once around the camp fire. But too bad, I only managed to watch one performance and I went to sleep. When I was made awake, it was the time to have Halangan Komando. I and Siah were paired as a group for one station. The station was to trian their fitness, but Siah thought that we could not just ask them to run for few founds without ant reason. So, we made it a footdrill training. If they made a mistake, we could kindly ask them to run a few rounds.
On the last day morning, it was the closing ceremony and I don't think I have much to say about it. It was just like a normal one. One thing struck all the AJKs, the comments from the groups were all good, even the food. AJKs were so glad to hear that.
But before the ceremony, it was the cleaning time. Below are some photos I caught when I walked around. Yes, I WALKED AROUND.
You really think they were cleaning up the floor?
Are you sure?
No! They were hockeying
with a water balloon.
Participants were to clean up the school.
He could not bear any stress again and want to...
And it looked like nobody cares about him.
Actually he was trying to unclog the hole.
So, he had to climbed over the fences.
And that's it, I went straight home after that, and took a nap.