Friday, May 7, 2010


After such a LOOOOONG time, I am going to derust this blog again..

With my friends leaving one by one either to further study or NS (few only), even though some are staying here for F6, my heart feel kind of sad because they are leaving for a moment. Plus, they are going to have a different lives outside SDK and I am worrying if they would able to know Christ. After all, I really pray that they will.

Serving in SBC as a staff is much enjoyable, with a lots of work, lots of pressure and lots of worries. Well, it is not easy for me to cope with all these things as I am a newbie you may say =) All the things that I have to deal with have never set a foot into my experience but a newbie is always forgiven for doing wrong =p so I have to continue to learn and strive for the best. Anyway, it is hard in conclusion but the MOST AWESOME BEST thing is that God is always showing Himself through this stage. You can never deny this as this is the best thing a homo sapien (credit to Cason) can get in his life. =)

Continue on, it may seems to be a hard journey but what is going to come is all for my benefits. Sinning against God is happening in this stage as well, quite frequently. It is such a shameful thing to recall back. I have failed Him so many times even though I "repent". I am still in the process of repenting, pray that God will have mercy on me and give me strength to do it. I am really wondering how could the King of Kings loves a human being like me, who is so filthy and detestable to Him. I am such a small and minor thing among His creation, yet He loves me and showed His love through His death for me on the cross.

I'm forgiven because you were forsaken,
I'm accepted, you were condemned

Amazing Love, How can it be
That You my King would die for me?

Anyway, still, I know that I am in the right path and I think soon, I might be jumping unto the next path and have a harder road to go, but after all, let the Master of Time to decide it and lead me unto the next road. :-D

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